Thursday, February 5, 2009

Marx Response Paper

Marx argued that religion anesthetized people because it hindered people from discovering their own identity. However, I disagree with this statement, for many people often find religion helpful to discover more about themselves and relation to society as a way to respond the unanswered of the world.
Marx’s idea has become too extreme when he concluded religion with such a negative impact like drug on people’s lives and judgments. It is true that people often rely a lot on religion and find comfort in it to explain what they cannot answer by themselves. The abstract guidance of religion seems to lead human beings to an extent where everyone develops the same attitude toward any circumstance in life. Based on Marx’s opinion, this idea not only prevented people from thinking independently, it also caused the illusion of the world, which became faultless in religious sense.
Marx also stated that religious suffering is “the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering.” People suffer through religious rituals to be punished for their sin; on the other hand, they also give the responsibility of the pain they suffer in life to some kind of spirit, or to their religions. These are all true statements, but Marx failed to realize that there is nothing wrong for people to find comfort through religion while in difficulties or in pain. If religion can make people feel better about themselves and enables them to move on with a more positive thinking, it will also improve the development of the society, for people don’t struggle with the same idea repeatedly. While Marx suggested that one should “move around himself as his own true Sun,” this would cause the problem of having too many opinions within a society. If that was the truth, there will never be any agreement between people, which would not help establish a stable and healthy society while there are endless conflicts


  1. Vivian,
    I really liked your response and I agreed with the positive aspects of religion and how people find comfort in it. However I disagreed when you said that Marx's idea about negative aspects were extreme. In my opinion I thought that when religion is depended on too much it can sometimes yield negative effects and I think that it is more helpful when it is used as a guide.

  2. Vivian,
    I agree with your assertion that there is nothing wrong with people finding comfort in religion. However, I disagree with your idea that a society in which there are too many opinions will lead to turmoil and "endless conflict." Our world population is a group among which many different opinions on all issues are held. Though our world is conflicted, it is not complacent. Our varying opinions progress/regulation/dialogue.

  3. Vivian,
    I agree with many of your points about the positive benefits of religion for people. However, though I thought your last statement that lack of religion would lead to disagreement was an interesting point, I am not sure I agree. Today there are many people who are atheists and they do not seem to be creating conflict among themselves because of their opinions.

  4. Interesting ideas here. I think Vivian's point is historically valid; societies with a guiding religious principle often experience stability, prosperity and growth because people are united by a common purpose. It is a rare society where endlessly diverse opinions are welcomed, and it is something worth cherishing when we find it.
