Friday, May 29, 2009

More About Gaza

An interesting article about the conditions in Gaza.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gaza Seige

Another cool animation...

-emma and asma


Excellent map animation of Middle Eastern Empires throughout history.
Thanks to Gillian for this one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gender Issues Worsen Iraq's Medical Woes


SAQLAWIYAH, Iraq (AP) -- This part of Iraq, says Dr. Ayad al-Hadithy, is so conservative that a man would rather have his pregnant wife die in labor than be touched by a male nurse or doctor.
The area's most recent records, from five years ago when the anti-U.S. insurgency was just beginning, show that one in five women dies in childbirth, and many women never even see a doctor.
''This is ignorance, not Islam,'' he said. ''Nowhere does Islam say: 'Let your wife die.'''

Pope Benedict XVI Visits Israel and Palestinian Territories

Pope Benedict XVI arrived Monday in Israel and immediately called for a solution to the conflict that would yield a "homeland of their own" for both Palestinians and Israelis.
link to the picture

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Israel Removes Illegal Settlers from West Bank

Article from NY times about how illegal settlers in the West Bank are being evicted by the Israel government and how this is being considered a move to appease the US.

Politics in Iran

Op-Ed on Thurday, May 21.
Vote Fatah (or Hamas)