From the early stages of religion, Christianity was the minority in the Jewish community and being persecuted by the Polytheistic Roman to the world largest religion. What makes Christianity accomplish its success? One of the most importance factors is the open religion that welcomes anyone who is interesting in Jesus’ teaching, unlike Judaism.
The early Church of Christianity was actually under the Jewish community, and all the Jesus’ followers still see themselves as a Jewish. However, there were some non-Jew followers of Jesus, which according to basic Jewish religion non-Jews should be covert into Judaism that includes the process of circumcision. Most of the Non-Jew followers were not willing to convert into Judaism because they were only following Jesus’ teaching. Even thought Jesus was a Jew, it did not mean the non-Jew followers had to go though Jewish conversion, especially circumcision. Paul, one of Jesus’ apostles, had actually made the community became divers, which is one of the main factor for Christianity to grow to the size in the modern world.
Christianity’s religion practices were different from the Polytheistic Roman, and Christianity was being persecuted by Roman for over three hundreds of years. Christianity does not include scarifies as the worship of god, but the gathering and having supper together within the same community, known the Jesus’ last supper. Scarifies were the way for Roman to worship their emperor, which everyone under the Empire to obey the rule; however, Christians were not willing to giving and follow the Emperor’s order. Therefore, with Christianity’s odd practices and unwillingness to scarify for the emperor made them into the stage of Persecution.
Christianity continues to convert people in to the religion from the early church. In addition, when the capital of the Constantine moved, Pope, the Bishop of Rome, become the leader of the region, since most of the people at the time were converted into Christianity. With the central power lost by the movement of capital, Pope automatically has the power to rule the people in the area.
With the number of Christianity conversion pretty much determined the faith of Christianity. When Christianity was the minority in the Roman Empire, they were being pressed and persecuted; however, when it became the most followed religion in the empire, it became the important figure for the nation and the people. The diversity and conversion of Christianity are the factors that determine the success of Christianity.